Task #87

New Results Manager

Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago. Updated over 16 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Anonymous% Done:




Current Status:br
HTML pages with detailed results from each similarity comparison method are produced in the backend (LEGACY PROBLEM!). These are just "linked in" directly from the Task Manager.
Results form 'transformations' (e.g. structures, contacts) are handled by the Structure Manager, and results from 'aggregations' (e.g. all similarity matrices) are handled by the Analysis Manager.

Intermediate Improvement:br
Develop a separate Results Manager (results.cgi) that just displays the existing HTML page.

Long term Goal:br
Let the scheduler enter the detailed results into the database, where they can be queried from the Results Manager.

Also available in: Atom PDF