DataAccess » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Anonymous, 09/14/2007 09:48 AM) → Version 2/4 (Anonymous, 09/24/2007 11:58 AM)

= Data Access =
The master node hosts a RAID system of hard disks that will store all data generated by ProCKSI by all slave nodes and the master node itself. This partition must be accessible by all nodes and is exported as a ''network file system'' (NFS) therefore. Executables used by ProCKSI must be installed locally on each slave node for better performance.

* Add the following to the end of ''/etc/exports'' on the master node (''master01''):
/home,async,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash) *.procksi.local(rw,async,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)

* Add the following to the end of ''/etc/fstab'' on each slave node:
master01:/home /home nfs bg,hard,intr,tcp 0 0

* Modify ''/etc/sysconfig/nfs'' on the master node in order to tune NFS by increasing the number of ''nfsd'' threads:

* Make the NFS daemons start at bootup. Enter at the command line of the master node and each slave node:
/sbin/chkconfig --add nfs
/sbin/chkconfig nfs on

* Start the NFS daemons. Enter at the command line on the master node and on each slave node:
/sbin/service nfsd start

* Generate the following temp directory on the master node and each slave node, at best on a separate partition:
mkdir /scratch