Job Management

The queuing system (resource manager) is the heart of the distributed computing on a cluster. It consists of three parts: the server, the scheduler, and the machine-oriented mini-server (MOM) executing the jobs.

We are assuming the following configuration:

||PBS TORQUE|| version 2.1.8           ||server, basic scheduler, mom  ||[source:Externals/Cluster/torque-2.1.8.tgz  download from repository]
||MAUI      || version 3.2.6.p18    ||scheduler                     ||[source:Externals/Cluster/maui-3.2.6p18.tgz download from repository]

Please check the distributors website's for newer versions:

||MAUI       ||

The install directories for TORQUE and MAUI will be:

||PBS TORQUE ||_/var/spool/torque_
||MAUI       ||_/var/spool/maui_


Register new services

Edit /etc/services and add at the end:

# PBS/Torque services
pbs           15001/tcp    # pbs_server
pbs           15001/udp    # pbs_server
pbs_mom       15002/tcp    # pbs_mom <-> pbs_server
pbs_mom       15002/udp    # pbs_mom <-> pbs_server
pbs_resmom    15003/tcp    # pbs_mom resource management
pbs_resmom    15003/udp    # pbs_mom resource management
pbs_sched     15004/tcp    # pbs scheduler (pbs_sched)
pbs_sched     15004/udp    # pbs scheduler (pbs_sched)

Setup and Configuration on the Master Node

Extract and build the distribution TORQUE on the master node. Configure server, monitor and clients to use secure file transfer (scp).

export TORQUECFG=/var/spool/torque
tar -xzvf TORQUE.tar.gz

Configuration for a 64bit machine with the following compiler options:

FFLAGS   = "-m64 -march=[Add Architecture]  -O3 -fPIC" 
CFLAGS   = "-m64 -march=[Add Architecture]  -O3 -fPIC" 
CXXFLAGS = "-m64 -march=[Add Architecture]  -O3 -fPIC" 
LDFLAGS  = "-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib64" 

Attention: For Intel Xenon processors use -march=nocona, for AMD Opteron processors use -march=opteron.

Configure, build, and install:

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local --with-spooldir=$TORQUECFG
make install 

If not configures otherwise, binaries are installed in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin.

Initialise/configure the queuing system's server daemon (pbs_server):

pbs_server -t create

Set the PBS operator and manager (must be a valid user name).

> set server_name = master01.procksi.local
> set server scheduling = true
> set server operators  = "root@master01.procksi.local,procksi@master01.procksi.local" 
> set server managers  = "root@master01.procksi.local,procksi@master01.procksi.local" 

Allow only procksi and root to submit jobs into the queue:

> set server acl_users = "root,procksi" 
> set server acl_user_enable = true

Set email address for email that is sent by PBS:

> set server mail_from =    

Allow submissions from slave hosts (only):

> set server allow_node_submit = true
> set server submit_hosts = master01.procksi.local

Restrict nodes that can access the PBS server:
> set server acl_hosts = master01.procksi.local
> set acl_host_enable = true

And set in _torque.cfg_ in order 
to use the internal interface:
SERVERHOST              master01.procksi.local

Configure default node to be used (see below):

> set server default_node = slave

Set the default queue to batch

> set server default_queue=batch

Configure the main queue batch:

> create queue batch queue_type=execution
> set queue batch started=true
> set queue batch enabled=true
> set queue batch resources_default.nodes=1

Configure queue test _accordingly.

Specify all compute nodes to be used by creating/editing $TORQUECFG/server_priv/nodes. This may include the same machine where pbs_server will run. If the compute nodes have more than one processor, just add np=X after the name with X being the number of processors. Add node attributes so that a subset of nodes can be requested during the submission stage.

master01.procksi.local  np=2  procksi  master  xeon
slave01.procksi.local   np=2  procksi  slave   xeon
slave02.procksi.local   np=2  procksi  slave   xeon
slave03.procksi.local   np=4  procksi  slave   opteron
slave04.procksi.local   np=4  procksi  slave   opteron

Although the master node (master01) has two processors as well, we only allow one processor to be used for the queueing system as the other processor will be used for handling all frontend communication and I/O. (Make sure that hyperthreading technology is disabled on the head node and all compute nodes!)

Request job to be run on specific nodes (on submission):
  • Run on any compute node:
     qsub -q batch -l nodes=1:procksi
  • Run on any slave node:
     qsub -q batch -l nodes=1:slave
  • Run on master node:
     qsub -q batch -l nodes=1:master

Setup and Configuration on the Slave Nodes

Extract and build the distribution TORQUE on each slave node. Configure monitor and clients to use secure file transfer (scp).

export TORQUECFG=/var/spool/torque
tar -xzvf TORQUE.tar.gz

Configuration for a 64bit machine with the following compiler options:

FFLAGS   = "-m64 -march=[Add Architecture] -O3 -fPIC" 
CFLAGS   = "-m64 -march=[Add Architecture] -O3 -fPIC" 
CXXFLAGS = "-m64 -march=[Add Architecture] -O3 -fPIC" 
LDFLAGS  = "-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib64" 

Attention: For Intel Xenon processors use -march=nocona, for AMD Opteron processors use -march=opteron.

Configure, build, and install:

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local --with-spooldir=$TORQUECFG --disable-server --enable-mom --enable-clients --with-default-server=master01.procksi.local
make install 

Configure the compute nodes by creating/editing $TORQUECFG/mom_priv/config. The first line specifies the PBS server, the second line specifies hosts which can be trusted to access mom services as non-root, and the last line allows copying data via NFS without using SCP.

$pbsserver   master01.procksi.local
$loglevel    255
$restricted  master01.procksi.local
$usecp       master01.procksi.local:/home/procksi   /home/procksi

Start the queueing system (manually) in the correct order:
  • Start the mom:
  • Kill the server:
     /usr/local/sbin/qterm -t quick
  • Start the server:
  • Start the scheduler:

If you want to use MAUI as the final scheduler, keep in mind to kill pbs_sched after testing the TORQURE installation.

Check that all nodes are properly configured and correctly reporting

qstat  -q
pbsnodes -a

Prologue and Epilogue Scripts

Get [repos:Externals/procksi_pbs.tgz] from the repository and untar it:

untar –xvzf procksi_pbs.tgz

The prologue script is executed just before the submitted job starts. Here, it generates a unique temp directory for each job in /scratch.
It must be installed on each NODE (master, slave):

cp ./pbs/NODE/var/spool/torque/mom/priv/prologue $TORQUECFG/mom_priv
chmod 500 $TORQUECFG/mom_priv/prologue

The epilogue script is executed right after the submitted job has ended. Here, it deletes the job's temp directory from /scratch. It must be installed on each NODE (master, slave)

cp ./pbs/NODE/var/spool/torque/mom/priv/epilogue $TORQUECFG/mom_priv
chmod 500 $TORQUECFG/mom_priv/epilogue


Register new services

Edit /etc/services and add at the end:

# PBS/MAUI services
pbs_maui  42559/tcp    # pbs scheduler (maui)
pbs_maui  42559/udp    # pbs scheduler (maui)

Setup and Configuration on the Head Node

Extract and build the distribution MAUI.

export MAUIDIR=/var/spool/maui
tar -xzvf MAUI.tar.gz

Configuration for a 64bit machine with the following compiler options:

FFLAGS   = “-m64 -march=[Add Architecture] -O3 -fPIC" 
CFLAGS   = “-m64 -march=[Add Architecture] -O3 -fPIC" 
CXXFLAGS = “-m64 -march=[Add Architecture] -O3 -fPIC" 
LDFLAGS     = “-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib64" 

Attention: For Intel Xenon processors use -march=nocona, for AMD Opteron processors use -march=opteron.

Configure, build, and install:

./configure --with-pbs=$TORQUECFG --with-spooldir=$MAUIDIR
make install 

Fine-tune MAUI in $_MAUIDIR/maui.cfg_:

SERVERHOST            master01.procksi.local

# primary admin must be first in list
ADMIN1                procksi
ADMIN1                root

# Resource Manager Definition
EPORT=15004    [CAN BE ALTERNATIVELY: 15017 - TRY!!!]


# Node Allocation:
# JOBCOUNT  number of jobs currently running on node
# LOAD      current 1 minute load average
# AMEM      real memory currently available to batch jobs
# APROCS    processors currently available to batch jobs
# PREF      node meets job specific resource preferences


Start the MAUI scheduler manually. Make sure that pbs_sched is not running any longer.

  • Start the scheduler:

Get [repos:Externals/Cluster/procksi_pbs.tgz] from the repository and untar it:

untar –xvzf procksi_pbs.tgz

Make the entire queuing system (Torque + Maui) start at bootup:

cp ./pbs/master/etc/init.d/pbs_* /etc/init.d/
/sbin/chkconfig  --add pbs_mom
/sbin/chkconfig  --add pbs_maui
/sbin/chkconfig  --add pbs_server
/sbin/chkconfig  pbs_mom  on
/sbin/chkconfig  pbs_maui  on
/sbin/chkconfig  pbs_server  on

If you want to use the simple scheduler that comes with PBS Torque, then substitute pbs_maui with pbs_sched.

Setup and Configuration on the Slave Nodes

Get [repos:Externals/Cluster/procksi_pbs.tgz] from the repository and untar it:

untar –xvzf procksi_pbs.tgz

Make the entire queuing system start at bootup:

cp ./pbs/slave/etc/init.d/pbs_mom /etc/init.d/
/sbin/chkconfig  --add pbs_mom
/sbin/chkconfig  pbs_mom  on

Monitoring Grid Status

  • display queue information (active/idle jobs)
  • current and historical scheduling statistics
     showstats -v
  • display job state and resources information
     checkjob <JOB_ID>
  • display node state and resources information
     checknode <NODE_NAME>