ProCKSI Workbench

This section describes the installation and configuration of the server side of the ProCKSI-Workbench. This includes the configuration of the web server and the database.

The server component (incl. all user data and results) will be installed into the home directory of the user procksi. Therefore, make sure that it is on a separate partition / hard disk with much space. In the best case, this will be a RAID system.

IMPORTANT: Always test a new release before taking a new version online!

Preparations for TEST and RELEASE

Make sure that directories for log and lock files exist, which are shared by all TEST and RELEASE instances (see below for more information):

  mkdir /home/procksi/logs
  mkdir /home/procksi/locks

Installation and Configuration of a TEST version

In the following, any test version of the workbench is referred to as TEST, which could be either a tagged release or a snapshot of the current development version. TEST should include the current date in order to distingish different snapshots from different days, e.g. snapshot_2008-08-01.

Check out the current snapshot of the development version from the SVN repository.

  svn co /home/procksi/TEST

Create a softlink from TEST to a generic directory /home/procksi/test. The web server and the workbench itself assume that there is always such a generic directory:

  ln -s /home/procksi/TEST /home/procksi/test

Change into the installation directory, run the setup script once to see the default settings. Running the script without the parameter -x just displays the current configuration.

cd /home/procksi/test/install
./ -i -env test

Run the setup script again with adjusted parameters. Parameters that might need adjustment are:
- -server_base: Should be /home/procksi/test
- -server_name: URL and port number for this TEST version as given in the apache configuration file
- -server_admin: Email address of the administrator or this TEST version
- -database_name: Database that should be used for this TEST version

In order to execute the installation for the given configuration, you must run the script with the parameter -x.

cd /home/procksi/test/install
./ -i -env test -x

Check that all links in /home/procksi/test/bin point to the correct files of the operating system.

Having root privileges, make sure that all permissions are set to '770', the user is procksi and the group is procksi_dev.

  cd /home/procksi/test/admin

Installation and Configuration of an official RELEASE

In the following, the latest official version of the workbench is referred to as RELEASE, which could be for instance procksi_8-6-1.

Check out the latest RELEASE from the SVN repository:

  svn co /home/procksi/RELEASE

Create a softlink from RELEASE to a generic directory /home/procksi/latest. The web server and the workbench itself assume that there is always such a generic directory:

  ln -s /home/procksi/RELEASE /home/procksi/latest

Change into the installation directory, run the setup script once to see the default settings. Running the script without the parameter -x just displays the current configuration.

cd /home/procksi/latest/install
./ -i -env latest

In order to execute the installation for the given configuration, you must run the script with the parameter -x.

cd /home/procksi/test/install
./ -i -env latest -x

Check that all links in /home/procksi/latest/bin point to the correct files of the operating system.

Having root privileges, make sure that all permissions are set to '770', the user is procksi and the group is procksi_dev.

  cd /home/procksi/latest/admin