Sudoers » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Anonymous, 03/20/2008 10:31 AM) → Version 3/4 (Anonymous, 08/06/2008 11:19 AM)

= Sudoers =

== sudo as user ''root ==
Allow members of the group "procksi_admin" "procksi_dev" to sudo to user "root" with their own "procksi" without entering a password as authentication.

Append the following to the end of ''/etc/sudoers'':
## Allow #Allow members of the group "procksi_admin" to su to any user
## having to authenticate themselves with their own password
%procksi_admin localhost,master01=(ALL) ALL

== sudo as user ''procksi'' ==
Allow members of the group
"procksi_dev" to sudo to user "procksi" without entering a password

## Allow members of the group "procksi_dev" to su to user "procksi"
## without having to authenticate themselves

%procksi_dev localhost,master01=(procksi) NOPASSWD:ALL

Usage for instance as:

> sudo -u procksi whoami