SystemUpdates » History » Version 1

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Anonymous, 09/14/2007 09:29 AM

= System Updates =
The operating system of the master node and each slave node must be configured to be updated automatically with security relevant patches.

  • Modify ''/etc/yum.conf'' in order to allow connections through the proxy server: {{{
    #The proxy server – proxy server:port
  • Modify ''/etc/yum.repos.d/CenOS-Base.repo'' in order to allow a local mirror to be used for the updates: {{{
    baseurl= …
  • For automatic nightly, install the ''yum-cron'' package. Enter at the command line of the master node and each slave node: {{{
    yum install yum-cron
  • Make the ''yum'' daemon start at boot time. Enter at the command line of the master node and each slave node: {{{
    chkconfig --add yum
    chkconfig yum on
  • Start the ''yum'' daemon. Enter at the command line of the master node and each slave node: {{{
    /sbin/service yum start

Note that ''yum-updatesd'' is the new daemon for nightly updates.

  • Disable ''yum-updatesd'' to start up at boot time. Enter at the command line of the master node and each slave node: {{{
    chkconfig yum-updatesd off
  • Stop the ''yum-updatesd'' daemon. Enter at the command line of the master node and each slave node: {{{
    /sbin/service yum-updatesd stop