TicketingPolicy » History » Version 10

Version 9 (Anonymous, 07/04/2007 03:47 PM) → Version 10/11 (PaweÅ‚ Widera, 12/18/2013 04:41 PM)

h1. Ticketing Policy

This page describes how *Users* and *Developers* should use the ticketing system:

h2. General Definitions

h3. Ticket Type

Describes the *nature* of a new ticket.

||*Defect* ||Anything that does not work as expected||
||*Enhancement* ||An improvement over an existing feature||
||*Feature* ||*Request* ||A new feature that should be added||
||*Task* ||Anything that does not fall into the categories above||

h3. Priority

Describes the *importance* of a ticket and the *order* in which it should be dealt with.

||*immediate*||Reduced ||*blocker* ||Reduced functionality of parts of the system or the entire system until problem is fixed||
||*urgent* ||*critical* ||Security breach or severe loss of data due to the defect||
||*high* ||*major* ||Defect with major impact *OR* big enhancement||
||*normal* ||Defect with normal impact *OR* medium enhancement||
||*low* ||*minor* ||Defect with minor impact *OR* small enhancement||

||*trivial* ||Defect with little or no impact *OR* cosmetic enhancement||

h3. Versioning

Describes conventions for *naming* milestones and versions.

||*Milestone*||Planned version (future) ||
||*Version* ||Released milestone (past) ||

*Milestones* are named according to the next *Version* number.

*Keywords* can be added to specify a special purpose of a *Milestone*/*Version*, e.g. "usability", "performance"

h2. Ticket Handling

h3. Opening new Tickets

Users only need to set the *Ticket Type* and the *Version* of the software to which the ticket applies. The *Priority* is optional and may be reassigned by one of the developers later.

Developers verify each ticket and, on acceptance, assign an *Owner*, *Priority*, *Component*, and *Milestone*. If more information than given in the original ticket description is needed, its status should remain as *new* until acceptance/refusal is possible.

h3. Referring to Tickets

Tickets can be referenced in the wiki using @#@:

issue #1

following way:

||Reference||!#1, !issue:1, !bug:1, !#1

h3. Closing and Referencing Tickets

Tickets should not be closed by hand, but automatically when committing the code changes to the SVN repository, referring to the ticket numbers as follows:

||close a ticket


|| "close", "closes", "fix", "fixes" || references | refs | addresses | re | see ||
||refer to a ticket ||list-of-tickets || "references", "refs", "addresses", "re", "see" !#1, !#2, ... ||
||list-of-tickets || separator is one of: @, || !#1 & and@, eg. !#2 &amp; ... ||
|| ||
!#1 and !#2 || and ...||


The following example will close tickets !#10 and !#12, and add a note to ticket !#12.

close #10 and #12, references #12