Enhancement #10

Capacity of PDB codes input field is limited to 255 characters

Added by Paweł Widera almost 18 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:
Priority:LowDue date:
Assignee:Anonymous% Done:


Target version:-


Since it's allowed to run comparison of 250 proteins, in worst case it takes ceiling(250*(5+1)/255) = 6 tries to have them read. It's very unusable. The user needs to cut his list into pieces, checking each time how many items fit into the input field.

Suggested solution would be to not limit the capacity of this field at all and do the check of the number of proteins on the server side (I guess this is done already anyway).


#1 Updated by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

- Could you describe the problem more specifically, please? In particular, are you uploading a list of PDB codes or a set of PDB structures?

- Could you further explain your calculation, please. The capacity is checked on the server-side (only).

#2 Updated by Paweł Widera almost 18 years ago

A list of PDB codes. Because the input field code is:

<input name="pdb_codes" size="45" maxlength="255" accept="text/plain">

it is not possible to enter long list (>255 characters) into the field. Suggested change is:
<input name="pdb_codes" size="45" />

("accept" is only used if type="file")

#3 Updated by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

In the next version:
- User can upload one single file that contains a list of PDB codes to be downloaded from the PDB repository
- Chains and models can be specified in the same way as when entering PDB codes manually. PDB files will be split accordingly.

#4 Updated by Paweł Widera almost 18 years ago

It's enough to be able to copy&paste this list to a form field (the field might be changed to text area to show it nicely). There's no need for uploading it as a file since this is less convenient way.

And I guess it would be better to close the issue only if the solution is commited to SVN first.

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