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Anonymous, 09/28/2007 05:33 PM
= External Software for ProCKSI =
(needs to be updated)
Generate the following directories on each compute node to contain important executables:
For the following installation of the ProCKSI server components, the following executables must be present:
=== Installation ===
==== !ImageMagick ==== * Install ''!ImageMagick'' from [http://www.imagemagick.org www.imagemagick.org] if not already installed.
==== !MolScript ==== * Download ''!MolScript'' from the repository. * Make sure that the ''freeglut'' and ''freeglut-devel'' packages are installed. * Compile using the Makefile provided for the x32- or x64-architecture.
=== Virtual Display ===
!MolScript needs an X display in order to generate images (jpg, gif, …). Its possible to use the console X display for the OpenGL bits even if it is not logged in. Therefore, ''procksi'' must be authenticated and allowed to use this X display virtually.
Get and unpack the ProCKSI x-authentication patch from [repos:Externals/Cluster/xauth.tgz].
On each node copy magic cookie file for x-authentication:
cp :0.Xauth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth
On each node copy scripts for automatic x-authentication:
cp procksixauth /usr/local/sbin/procksixauth
cp :0 /etc/gdm/Init/:0
Restart the X display manager for the changes to take effect:
The virtual X display can be used with unix socket '':0'', e.g.:
molauto protein.pdb | DISPLAY=unix:0.0 molscript -jpeg -out protein.jpeg