Enhancement #12
Experiment description not given in notification e-mails
Status: | Closed | Start date: | ||
Priority: | Low | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Anonymous | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - | |||
Resolution: | fixed |
In each notification e-mail only the request id is given. When more than one request is sent to ProCKSI by the same user it's hard to track which reqeust is which just by the id.
The solution would be to include request description given by the user in each notification e-mail. It would be also nice to remove redundant and meaningless preamble given below (I guess this is some kind of side effect of using HTML e-mail which is evil of course):
The [[ProCKSI]] Server - Results The [[ProCKSI]]-Server The [[ProCKSI]] Server - Results
Then the first sentence in the e-mail could get straight to the point, like:
Status notification for request N: Description_given_by_the_user
#1 Updated by Anonymous almost 18 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to fixed
In the next release:
- Description added to the confirmation email.
In a future release:
- Maybe possibility of choosing to receive plain text or HTML email. Until then, HTML email standard.
Updated by Paweł Widera almost 18 years ago
I think forcing user to choose is not needed. Either plain text e-mail should be send (it's good enough to present information) or if fancy HTML graphics in the background are priority, both should be send: plain text and HTML together in one e-mail.