Enhancement #40

Streamline user guidance in pre-processing stage

Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago. Updated over 17 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Anonymous% Done:


Target version:8.6


Current State:br
  • Dataset Manager: Upload and prepare dataset (files, archives, matrices, structures)
  • Request Manager: Request parameters (email, notification), tasks & task parameters, submission
Future Changesbr
  • Task & task parameters should get a separtate Calculation Manager
  • User should be able to switch between all three managers without loosing data, i.e. input data must be saved first and then the desired manager must be output
  • Some sort of progress bar should be at the top of the page indicating the suggested order: Request Manager > Dataset Manager > Calculation Manager > Submission


#1 Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

(In r505) f - New similarity comparison method: Vorolign
e - New design with better navigation
f - Customisable visualisation for contact maps as images and graphs
f - Customisable notification emails for finished experiments/tasks
f - Improved data security with authentication
e - Improved scheduling of all tasks

closes #3, #5, #2, #35, #42, #24, #26, #52, #32, #11, #40, #22

#2 Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

(In r506) f - New similarity comparison method: Vorolign
e - New design with better navigation
f - Customisable visualisation for contact maps as images and graphs
f - Customisable notification emails for finished experiments/tasks
f - Improved data security with authentication
e - Improved scheduling of all tasks

closes #3, #5, #2, #35, #42, #24, #26, #52, #32, #11, #40, #22

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