Bug #42

Check (number of) input files at the beginning of each similarity calculation

Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago. Updated about 17 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Anonymous% Done:


Target version:8.5


  • Current State:
    - Required files are packed (TGZ) and transferred from the storage element to the compute node.
    - There, they are unpacked automatically.
    - The driver for the similarity calculation get the file list from the database, not from the file system.
  • Problem:
    - The files on the file system might not be present due to TGZ/transfer errors
  • Solution:
    - Check the number of expected files at the beginning/end of each calculation
    - Check the number of successfully calculated jobs.
    - If any of them is false then set the status of the entire task to "finished with errors"


#1 Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

(In r505) f - New similarity comparison method: Vorolign
e - New design with better navigation
f - Customisable visualisation for contact maps as images and graphs
f - Customisable notification emails for finished experiments/tasks
f - Improved data security with authentication
e - Improved scheduling of all tasks

closes #3, #5, #2, #35, #42, #24, #26, #52, #32, #11, #40, #22

#2 Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

(In r506) f - New similarity comparison method: Vorolign
e - New design with better navigation
f - Customisable visualisation for contact maps as images and graphs
f - Customisable notification emails for finished experiments/tasks
f - Improved data security with authentication
e - Improved scheduling of all tasks

closes #3, #5, #2, #35, #42, #24, #26, #52, #32, #11, #40, #22

#3 Updated by Anonymous about 17 years ago

Milestone 8.5 deleted

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